Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Dad is attacking K for her trick or treating candy. I dressed up as a firefighter.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Home Coming Dance

This is TS getting ready for the dance.

Homecoming Night

This is TS and LC all ready to go out to the Homecoming dance. TS dress is almost a dark turquoise (almost navy).
This is her date, RP. They were heading off to have pictures taken and then meeting friends for dinner. Then they will go to the dance. Hopefully they are both having fun. It looked like they were going to enjoy the night.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mud Wars

Best buddies off to battle in two feet of mud just to win a tug of war.
Mud Wars is a special event for the girls during the week of Homecoming.
Ahhh...JH is such a good friend to share her mud with TS.