Thursday, November 29, 2007

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

This morning we woke up to a little snow and a lot still falling.
Before we left for school I got this picture of Kylee. In the evening, we all went out and built a snowman.
Here is Kylee with a perfect snowball.
Here Brian and Tayler are rolling, the soon to be base, of the snowman.
Bring a camera around and Brian will start hamming it up. He sure
does liven up our house. Not long after this photo, Kylee came around the corner
and started a snowball fight. Definitely follows in her daddy's footsteps.
Here we are with the finished project.
Before coming in, Tayler made a snow cat.
These are four of my students at school with their snowman.
Poppa, don't your snowman pieces look good. They loved using them.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Last night Kylee had her Chamber Choir Concert.
They did a beautiful job singing.
And here is Kylee showing her spirit by dressing up in
her retro outfit for school.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Spooktacular Horse Show

Saturday Kylee competed in another horse show. Isn't she looking older?
Below is a short video of Kylee dressed up as Pippi Longstockings waiting to go into the costume class.

Oh so cute!!! Yes, she won the class. Way to go Kylee! October brings so much fun for us.
Hamming it up...Kylee??? No never.
Then on the serious side. Here she is in her western class.
Kylee had a great show and finished the day winning High Point in her age division.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

A week before Halloween the girls carved a few pumpkins.
Here is Kylee with her ghost pumpkin. Tayler with her jack o' lantern.
Okay, the light out effect wasn't quite right.
How is this?
This is Kylee and her friend Codi.
This is a much smaller group of jack o' lanterns compared to
when Poppa use to grow pumpkins. Back when the kids were
just toddlers we would carve up to 20 a year.
Today (Sunday) was such a nice day. The girls decided
to take their horses out for a trail ride. Kylee saw the
basketball hoop and couldn't resist. Reminds me of
the time her dad played donkey basketball (All kinds of memories coming back).
This is Kylee on Hannah and Tayler on Cecee leaving for a short trail ride .
Off they go.... which sadly could be the Tayler's last time on Cecee.
She has decided to lease her out to a friend since
she doesn't have enough time to ride.
They both had such a good time together. It made both their days!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Trails

Today June and K went on a trail ride.
It was Hannah's (Appaloosa) first trail ride
and she did great. That sure made K happy.
She now has the all around horse that she has always wanted.
They talked and laughed the whole way.
How lucky are we that we connected with June and Steve
almost 8 years ago.
I got awfully lucky this morning when
I invited everyone down to the park for
a few family pictures.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pippi Longstockings

Today K got her Halloween costume ready. She found my old scarecrow overalls, her dad's shirt and some striped stockings. Then added more freckles to the ones she comes by naturally.

She is going to the Spooktacular Horse Show in a few weeks. It is a lot of fun because they have a costume class. A costume class is when you and your horse are dressed up. K is going to put rubber bands in Hannah's mane to make it stick up, then tie bright ribbons in it. She will be the popular character, Pippi Longstockings on horse back.

This is the perfect character for K to be. It matches her fun loving, silly personality.

And then here she is with her softer side.

Which quickly gets taken over by the goofy side. She always keeps us laughing.

Almost 14, and still a fun loving KID!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Homecoming Dance

Here T is with her Homecoming date. His name is JL.
They went to Homecoming together two years ago too. He had a football game last night and got a little banged up.

They are going out to dinner with a couple other friends,
then movies afterwards.

Mud Wars

T had a lot of fun in the Mud War compititions this year during Homecoming week.
They won their first 2 matches, then things got a little dirty.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Final Shows of the Year

On Saturday, September 22nd, T competed in her last show of the season. She is now showing at First Level in dressage.
Grammie and Poppa came over to LaGrande to watch.
T said she felt like Cecee could fly. She was full of energy.
After the show we took a few pictures because it was such a beautiful day.
What a pair. They are beautiful together.
One the 16th of September, K had her lasts show of the year.
She entered 11 classes and won the very first one of the day.
Here she is holding her ribbon and lead crystal platter.
Here is K with Grammie and Poppa with another first place ribbon.
This time she got a lead crystal vase.
This is at the end of the day.
K is holding her Reserve champion Appaloosa ribbon.
They finished the day with five first place ribbons
and placed in all but one class.
What a GREAT day!
It couldn't have one any better.
Good job K and Hannah.