Thursday, November 29, 2007

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

This morning we woke up to a little snow and a lot still falling.
Before we left for school I got this picture of Kylee. In the evening, we all went out and built a snowman.
Here is Kylee with a perfect snowball.
Here Brian and Tayler are rolling, the soon to be base, of the snowman.
Bring a camera around and Brian will start hamming it up. He sure
does liven up our house. Not long after this photo, Kylee came around the corner
and started a snowball fight. Definitely follows in her daddy's footsteps.
Here we are with the finished project.
Before coming in, Tayler made a snow cat.
These are four of my students at school with their snowman.
Poppa, don't your snowman pieces look good. They loved using them.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Last night Kylee had her Chamber Choir Concert.
They did a beautiful job singing.
And here is Kylee showing her spirit by dressing up in
her retro outfit for school.