Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Special Visit From Gorilla Man

The other day Kylee was laying around looking awfully cute. Saturday it snowed about 8 inches in Ptown.
It snowed all day so we stayed in and just watched the big, beautiful flakes fall.
It has been a long time since we had snow like this.

Brian came home from work with a Gorilla suit, so of course we had to have some fun with Kylee.
She was in watching TV by herself, so Gorilla Man peeked in on her and scared her.
It was a ton of fun.

Tayler was gone for the first Gorilla man visit, so tonight we
played the trick on her. I told her a friend was coming over to drop something
off, would she please answer the door when it rang.
Well....Brian was out there in the gorilla suit.
We got her! She screamed and then attacked him.

"Where did you get THAT?" is all she could say.
She didn't like it touching her at ALL.

All I can say is..... THAT WAS FUN!
She was a great sport, I just hope she doesn't get us back.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pendleton Update

We celebrated Christmas Eve at our house this year. Here we are during photo hour. We all had a great time. Grammie and Poppa came over after having Mick and family for a few days. They were a little tired but they sure didn't show it.
Kylee sneaking a little hug from her sister.
Kylee turned 14! She and her dad were out Christmas shopping and they ran across this remote control car. Well they came home without it, but Brian couldn't stand it. He went back and surprised Kylee for her birthday.
She also got this new headstall. She is very excited about riding still.
She can't wait for show season to start up again. I love to watch her ride at night
with the light on in the arena.
Tayler picked out this jacket (which I see doesn't show) for Christmas, and I made her the scarf.
She loves them both and wears them so well.

I went by Hamley's the other day and snapped these photos so those of you who are not in town could see how nice it is. This is the Restaurant area.
This is the side where they serve tea, coffee, and fun little desserts.