Friday, July 17, 2009

My Wish Was Granted

We went to the Riverhouse the other day and the girls let me take all the pictures I wanted.
I know pinch me.

Yes, that is a train coming in the background.

They let me take all the pictures on my card, but I will stop with these.
This one was just for fun as they were trying out different "faces".

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Couple Laughs

I wanted you all to have a good laugh today. This is what the girls do when they don't have anything else to do.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Day On The River

We spent the day on the river to avoid the 100 degree weather.
Cheyenne and Kylee are water bugs.
Cheyenne's first time water skiing....think she will get up?
She popped right up and even remembered to drop the rope when she was done.
Brian got a kneeboard for his birthday and had fun with it.
He started showing off. (I love it when he does that). Smile.

Kris gave it a shot too.
Then Kylee took a turn.

I missed getting pictures of Patrick tubing because I left shore without a card in my camera but got this shot of him later in the day. (He tends to avoid the camera)
Back to the water bugs.
I think they would stay in the water all day if no one else ever wanted a turn.
Uncle Mark had to keep upping the speed on the boat to keep their fun going.

We are all looking forward to the next day of 100 degree heat. Bring it on!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Making A Movie

Another day of entertainment provided by Kylee and Cheyenne.
It just keeps getting better.
Today the girls were remaking Tayler Swift's music video.
Here they are at the bench scene.
Cheyenne plays a band student.
Kylee plays the cheerleader role.

If we complete the video and I get publishing rights??? I might be able to post it so everyone can laugh and live longer.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Funny Buddies

I get such a laugh out of these two. The other day they came out of their room dressed like this and asked me to take a movie of them. Sorry, I only have pictures for you now.

Showing off their assets???

Friday, July 03, 2009

Crazy Biker (But Impressive)

This is the first summer Brian has had time for himself. He loves to bike and this week he decided to bike to Ukiah. It is about a 50 mile ride all uphill. He packed his bike with a tent, sleeping bag, and a little food.
Off he goes...
We wouldn't see him again until tomorrow.
Returning with 100 miles down and only a block to go.
He had a good time and feels good about his accomplishments.
He is already planning his next big ride.

Thursday, July 02, 2009


The girls taking the horses out for a stroll.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


We took Kylee and Cheyenne camping the other day.
Kylee tested the water but didn't stay in it too long.
We had two tents to put up so of course it turned into a competition.
The girls were very confident and flaunting their I had to put the camera down and help Brian.
But I wasn't fast enough! They won! The ultimate tent putter uppers award goes to....
Cheyenne and Kylee. Show offs.

Cheyenne getting warm by the fire.
Cooking our favorite camping food - hotdogs. After s'mores of course.
Kylee tried cooking some Jiffy popcorn. I love it when it puffs up.

My favorite part was when the girls went to bed and I overheard Cheyenne say, "This is so much fun. It's so warm and cozy in here."