Monday, December 06, 2010

Miranda & Santa

Every year, at The Festival of Trees,
I take pictures of kids who come to see Santa.
Last year was Miranda's first visit with him.
This year was a whole different story. Look at this grin.
She talked with Santa....
about her toys in her hands,

and then she thought Santa was silly when he wanted to trade her hats.
He asked her if she was a cowgirl, and she giggled the cutest little giggle.
Watching and sharing this precious little girl is the best gift in the world.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Mud Wars at PHS

This year Kylee was in mudwars but I didn't get any pictures of her, so here is the PHS video.
Kylee is on the black and white striped team that was crowned champions at the end of the night. (To help you spot her, she had her hair in a ponytail).