Saturday Kylee, June and I went over to Walla Walla
for the Dressage Icebreaker Show. The day started out cold but turned out not to be too bad.
Both June and Kylee signed up to do a dressage test. This was a neat show to go to because after the test the judge gave you a mini lesson and then let you take the test again.
Kylee went first. She did great for a "pleasure horse".
Kylee went first. She did great for a "pleasure horse".
June road Cecee for her test. They were both very nervous and had a rough start but worked through it.
In the afternoon, they competed in a Pas de deux which is when two people ride a pattern together doing mirror images and then riding as pairs to music. It was a lot of fun as always. June made the Pendleton Wool pads out of a blanket I won many years ago.
We had a good day with friends doing what we love to do.
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