Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our Girls

Our three girls.
Tayler Cheyenne
Often through out our summer the girls would grab an animal and take them all for a walk.
It made for a funny sight. Many neighbors would smile as they went by. Funny thing, they often picked up more animals along the way.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Goofy Girls

I took the girls out to practice their driving and when we stopped to switch drivers we stopped to take a few pictures. The girls really didn't want to participate so this is what I got.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Washing All Our Pets

We had to give Bobby his first bath today.
Tayler poured the soap on him and he didn't seem to mind.
I think he liked all the attention.

He became very predictable....get him soaked and he would SHAKE to remove the water.
We are babysitting Lucy this week and she was so happy to see a
friend her size she could hardly stand it. So we let her get close
and they both seemed to like eachother.
I think Lucy thought it was funny that someone else was getting a bath,
and then she had HER bath.
Bobby (lamb) got it started for her.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

College Visit

Friday we toured the campus of the University of Idaho so Tayler could decide if that is really where she wants to attend college. Doesn't seem that long ago we were walking her to kindergarten. Where does the time go?
This is the "Hello" walk. Long ago a man was disappointed at how the world was moving too fast and people weren't taking time to visit anymore, so he donated money and had them create this "Hello" walk. When you walk through these trees, you are suppose to say "hello" to all those you pass. How fun is this?
We hit the bookstore and the girls had fun choosing sweatshirts.
Tayler loved it here.
So did we.
Brian and Kylee entertained each other along the way with some teasing.
And then there were moments of pure joy. Tayler gave her a sister a hug and said, "Don't you just love it here?" She is so happy to have the big decission made.
It is a beautiful town and college.
Wednesday Kylee had her 8th grade recognition night.
Here she is with Matt, who she goes to dance class with.

Saturday we went to Hermiston to take pictures of Tayler's horse.
She was curious about Tayler and it was cute to see them get together again.
Tayler is not riding any more so we are trying to sale her.
Last month Tayler was a councelor at Outdoor School.
Here she is with one of the other coucelors. She had a great time
even though it rained all week.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Day Outdoors

We went out and took some pictures the other day trying to get an idea
of what the girls like for their senior pictures. This is Jessie and Tayler.

We had to take cover under a tree when it started to rain.