Sunday, June 22, 2008

Washing All Our Pets

We had to give Bobby his first bath today.
Tayler poured the soap on him and he didn't seem to mind.
I think he liked all the attention.

He became very predictable....get him soaked and he would SHAKE to remove the water.
We are babysitting Lucy this week and she was so happy to see a
friend her size she could hardly stand it. So we let her get close
and they both seemed to like eachother.
I think Lucy thought it was funny that someone else was getting a bath,
and then she had HER bath.
Bobby (lamb) got it started for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Schimels & Cheyene,

We loved your pictures of your
baths. Looks like everyone was
having fun. Great pictures.

Grammie & Poppa etc.