Saturday, February 21, 2009

College & Basketball

A lot has happened this week.
Tayler got her first college acceptance letter.
Kylee finished basketball.
As much as I enjoyed watching her,
I am really looking forward to having our family time back.
(Frame comes from Karen Russell)
I have been learning more about my camera this month.
Kylee has been nice enough to be my model.
She spends a lot of time texting on her phone, so I thought I would capture the moment.
Another love of Kylee's life are her smoothies.
Hanging out after basketball.

Tayler has been trying to keep her horse in shape so we can sell her.
They still have a neat connection.

Graduation activities are under way.
We have had a few meetings and one thing that we are doing is a
"toy chest" of all the kids stuffed animals from their childhood.
I couldn't find "green bear"(Tayler's favorite stuffed animal), so Bongo (her second favorite)will have to do. We will be placing the pictures into a slideshow to show during one of the evening events.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

looks like you've enjoyed the class ... can't wait to hear what you liked best :)

Have a GREAT spring break!