Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Pendleton High School Equestrian Meet

Early in April, Brian and I had to divide and conquer. Brian took Tayler to Vandal Friday in Idaho, while I took Kylee to her first High School Equestrian meet (that she got to compete in).
I couldn't get Brian to take a camera with him to capture the moments, and Tayler didn't jump at the offer either. If you want to send complaints their way, I would be more than happy to have the company.
Therefore, you will get a one sided view of our trips.
Kylee found a quiet spot to work Hannah hoping to calm both of their nerves.
She started out so nervous, we (her coach (Diann) and I) didn't know if she would enter the arena. Thank goodness for the man running the gate. He had a great sense of humor and joked around with Kylee and took her mind off it a little bit.
Ahhh... she survived.
Now she is back a the stall, probably adding more baby powder to Hannah's white areas. Gotta love a clean horse.
On the last day of competition, the weather was great and the girls were relaxing, so I took a few more shots. I love the look, feel, and smell of Central Oregon. Reminds me of when Brian and I first got married and lived there.
We are a small team of two this year but we kinda of like it that way.
Lisa and Kylee have a great time together laughing and telling stories.
On our way home, we had to stop and see the shoe tree as it is in full bloom this time of year. (smile)
We have one more meet in a few weeks. I can't wait.


Carolyn H. said...

It was so fabulous to see all of you again. I really miss being closer so that we can get together more. Here's to more chances in the future.

Carolyn H.

P.S. Kent and I look forward to the Mariners game.

Lindsay said...

I just passed that shoe tree yesterday :) Love it! It means I'm almost home!

Happy Mother's Day :)